Challenge Memories

Notebooks full of my writings shoved under my bed in shame. I was ten, maybe twelve, years old and I wrote love story after love story without any idea about love or stories or writing. Sitting here now I can still see pages full of chapters and I can see the blank pages that followed.…

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6/18/2020 what a time

Distractions keep coming in and out like stormy weather pattern. Clouds. Sun. Heavy rain. Wind that makes the foundation shake. Each one bringing a new emotional response within. Trying to navigate the difference between what is real in the world and what is part of my neural-response system. Global pandemic brings a sense of anxiety…

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6/1/2020 i don’t know what i’m doing

I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m going to try. I’m trying to wrap my brain around what it feels like to be persecuted and judged for generations based on the color of my skin, where I was born, or how I came to exist. I can’t. I have no experiences to pull from.…

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